Most items are shipped via Priority Mail only, to allow for the fastest shipment and best protection of the items. Some items, like the vinyl decals, ship via First Class Mail if shipping alone.
If the item you ordered is in stock, it will ship out within 1 to 3 business days. if the item is not in stock or is a custom order, please allow time for me to create your piece (see product listing for times). Priority Mail takes 2-3 days from the time it's shipped to reach United States destinations. First Class Mail is a bit unpredictable, and may take anywhere from a couple of days up to about 2 weeks (typically, it's about a week, but there's no way to accurately predict when it will show up). Shipping time for overseas orders will vary, due to potential delays going through customs and depending on the speed of both the US and your own mail services.
If you require a different shipping method, please contact me, and I will do what I can to accomodate your request. Please note that alternate shipping methods will have additional fees.